24.03.2012 – Bun­des­wei­te Groß­de­mo wird zur Inter­na­tio­na­len Groß­de­mo gegen Fluglärm !!!

Warm­lau­fen für die 1. inter­na­tio­na­le! Groß­de­mo am Samstag-
Auch Frank­reich und UK ste­hen uns zur Seite.

Press Release
22/3/12 for imme­dia­te use
Satur­day 24th March: Tens of Thou­sands expec­ted at Nati­on­wi­de Pro­tests against Air­port Expan­si­on in Germany
Same Day: Major demons­tra­ti­on in Nan­tes in SW France
UK cam­pai­gners send mes­sa­ges of support

UK air­port cam­pai­gners have sent mes­sa­ges of sup­port to their fel­low cam­pai­gners in Ger­ma­ny and France who will be sta­ging major demons­tra­ti­ons against air­port expan­si­on on Satur­day 24th March. In Ger­ma­ny tens of thou­sands of peo­p­le are expec­ted to turn out in at least five cities. In Frank­furt as many as 20,000 peo­p­le could occu­py the ter­mi­nal. And, in Munich the cam­pai­gners against the pro­po­sed third run­way will hold as pic­nic in the ter­mi­nal. In Nan­tes the demons­tra­tors will occu­py the cent­re of the city.
The big demons­tra­ti­ons in Frank­furt have been spark­ed by the impact of the fourth run­way ope­ned by Chan­cell­or Ange­la Mer­kel in Octo­ber. Every Mon­day evening sin­ce it ope­ned up to 5,000 peo­p­le have occu­p­ied the ter­mi­nal at the air­port in pro­test against the noi­se of the new flight paths (1). Their Satur­day demons­tra­ti­ons have attrac­ted as many as 20,000 residents.
In Munich cli­ma­te chan­ge acti­vists and local resi­dents have joi­n­ed forces to fight the pro­po­sed third run­way. In Ber­lin the pro­tests are against a newly-opened air­port. At Colo­gne and Leip­zig night flights are the big pro­blem. In France the demons­tra­ti­on is part of a long-running, high-profile cam­paign to stop the buil­ding of Nan­tes Inter­na­tio­nal Airport.

HACAN Chair John Ste­wart, who has visi­ted the cam­pai­gners in Munich, Frank­furt and Nan­tes, said: “The­se pro­tests give the lie to the impres­si­on always given by the UK avia­ti­on indus­try that air­ports in Euro­pe will con­ti­nue to expand. It is clear that it is beco­ming vir­tual­ly impos­si­ble to build a new run­way any­whe­re in Wes­tern Europe.”
Notes for Editors:
(1). Video of ear­lier Frank­furt pro­test FLUGLÄRM 2011 – DER JAHRESRÜCKBLICK
For fur­ther information:
John Ste­wart 0207 737 6641; 07957385650
Flo­ri­an Sperk (Munich) 017683079549
Mar­tin Kes­sel (Frank­furt) 01219527053
Juli­en Durant (Nan­tes) 0240572562

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